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Plagues and pestilences feature prominently in the scriptures of various faith traditions—how should we understand pandemics in our current context? Do our respective faiths offer spiritual and physical guidance on how to respond to such calamities? How are religious leaders talking to their communities about COVID-19? With Easter, Passover, and Ramadan just around the corner, what are some opportunities and challenges faith leaders foresee in observing these events under quarantine?

Please join us for an interfaith discussion with Rabbi Justin David, Rev. Marisa Brown Ludwig, and Imam Nihal. We hope you will join us whether or not affiliated with a particular faith tradition. Co-host: Sanford Lewis


Rabbi Justin David has been the Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Israel in Northampton since 2002. During that time, he has helped the community grow through his commitment to social justice, inclusion, innovation in worship, Jewish education and interfaith work. He is a recipient of the 2018 Human Rights Hero award from T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, an organization of over 1800 rabbis and cantors across the US. Among his favorite projects is Abundance Farm at CBI, an organic farm whose produce goes directly to the Northampton Survival Center, and which serves as an outdoor classroom, summer camp and outdoor worship/meditation space. Rabbi David received rabbinic ordination at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and has a BA from Oberlin College. He loves music, writing, hiking and running, and spending time with his wife and two sons in Northampton.

Rev. Marisa Brown Ludwig, MSW, MDiv has been Associate Pastor at First Church of Christ in Longmeadow, United Church of Christ since November 2013. Marisa is Vice President of the Interfaith Council of Greater Springfield and serves on the Southern New England Conference United Church of Christ Task Team on Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations. Marisa is active in issues of Racial Justice, LGBTQ Rights, Climate Change, Women’s Rights and Reproductive Justice, and hosts a weekly interfaith Coffee & Conversations locally. She received a MICAH Award in 2020 from the Pioneer Valley Project. While working full time and raising two boys with her husband Peter, she attended seminary at both Hartford Seminary and Andover Newton Theological School, with special emphasis on Women’s Spirituality and Interfaith/Ecumenical Relations.

Imam Nihal Khan works as the Director of Religious Affairs at the Islamic Center of Connecticut located in the town of Windsor, and also services the Islamic American Society of Connecticut in the town of Waterbury. In 2019, Nihal was selected as a fellow to participate in the seminary program of the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE). Accompanied by a group of young religious leaders and medical students from all over the world, Nihal traveled to Germany and Poland and examined how clergy, religious leaders, and physicians behaved when the Nazis occupied Europe.

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